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Influences upon a Moment

Paul Field
2 min readJun 5, 2021


I was thinking about why I am still motivated to work with eclectic brainiacs on crazy difficult, ambitious problems that most people think are commercial suicide, stupidly hard or simply technological poetry of no interest but to others who think the world will become some kind of technocracy. The thinking buried inside innovative blockchain builders is surely going to have a long term impact on how democracy works…but that’s another story.

The way I see it, is the value is occluded in the higher harmonics of these kind of projects. It’s a place vision where few dare to look. Yet for those who like to explore this space, they may find disruption and maybe a simplicity that can only be found by first clawing through all of that complexity.

Rather than a dissection and logical musing, maybe just a few impressions on a 24 hour cycle out of the black hole of BAU toward the event horizon. If you can just re-invent the Eye of Harmony, then maybe, just maybe…

We think dreams are a product of the day, but what if the day is also the product of the dream?

The remnants of the dream may be a crisp snow or over-whelming relief that your worst fears are just that. Fears. Fear of failing your crew, yourself, those you love.

Those fears might be ultra realistic, coloured by fire, taught with adrenaline and oxidised by self doubt, but, on that moment of waking, that very transition contains a clarity that’s worth trying to hold onto.

While the memory remains, sense it, examine it.

In that moment, at the core, is possibility.

The possibility to endure, to transform adversity, to learn, to see deeper.

You can build with that.

Paraphrasing Robert Browning; “Ah, but a person’s reach should exceed their grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”



Paul Field

Serial obsessionist. Tech. Coffee. Writing. Triathlon. Kettlebells. Sci Fi. Music. Audiobooks. Podcasts. Psychology. Wearing the inside out. Tech. Coffee.